Managing & Coping with Change

Health Edition


Managing the Impact of Change & Moving on Positively.

Change can be stressful at the best of times. The need to understand and manage the impact of change is a core skill in a modern-day work environment. Sometimes the impact of change, particularly change we didn’t ask for, can cause us to get stuck, or we struggle with letting go of how things used to be.

This can bring in a sense of loss and we may find it difficult to keep up the same enthusiasm and sense of positive expectation we used to have about our role.

‘Managing and Coping with Change’ helps participants to find fresh ways to cope with the impact of change, walk away from disillusionment and disappointment and start to charter a path of motivation again.

This workshop is relevant for anyone who is about to go through or has had to deal with organisational change. It explores the core psychology drivers that will assist in finding new ways to adjust and plan for a more positive future.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand how change impacts you.
  • Identify your personal control thresholds.
  • Understand coping mechanisms and using them in a healthy way.
  • Differentiate between positive and negative stressors.
  • Recognise and manage the perceived fallout of negative change.
  • Anticipate struggle points and influence positive outcomes.
  • Understand how to let go of past disappointments.
  • Breakaway from destructive thought patterns.
  • Identify fresh points of motivation for moving forward.
  • Self-assess where you are in the change cycle.

Designed For

  • Anyone who works in the Health Sector and is going through, or has gone through the impact of change.
  • Suited for all levels from employees to management roles.
  • Those looking for new or fresh strategies to help manage change and its impact in a Health role.
  • Ideal Size: 6-15 participants.

Course Inclusions…

In-Depth TNA

Our consultants can provide a thorough Training Needs Analysis of your skill needs and learning objectives. We will ensure that we develop the best solution to upskill your team guaranteed.

Program Reports

We provide a range of evaluation methods and options to help you gain the right information and feedback to understand the return of training investment to your team and organisation.


All programs can be customised to your desired learning and skill needs. This includes activities and exercises that reflect your daily work practices, tailored content and real world scenarios.

Industry Facilitators

All our Facilitators bring real world experience and come highly recommended in their fields of expertise. We guarantee the right match for your organisation.


As a highly respected Australian education brand the CAL Group offers a Certificate of Achievement to acknowledge your professional development journey.

Our Learning Solutions…

Remote Ready

All our programs have remote workplace delivery methods to cater for your specific organisational needs. Our facilitators are highly experienced in Live, Hybrid and Virtual formats.

Adaptable Delivery

Each program can be conducted in a variety of time and delivery formats to suit your staffing needs. Talk to us about how we can best adapt to your training requirements.

Fully Customisable

All training content is tailored to your specific training needs and objectives. This includes using real workplace scenarios for activities and exercises.

Social Learning Integration

With increased remote workplace challenges our workshops inetgrate social learning techniques to develop your team through connecting with each other.