Video Transcript

Hi, it’s David Patmore here, from CAL Corporate Solutions, with a quick technique from one of our workshops called Managing Remote Performance.

With the increase of hybrid and remote work models, it has become challenging to manage performance without the close observation that is easily done by managers and colleagues in the physical work environment. Some of the issues that might arise could be maintaining organisational standards, the ability to have trust extension, the productivity and motivation issues of individuals on the team. Perhaps even the expectations of what KPIs look like in a remote or a hybrid model, definitely communication and feedback issues, as well as disengagement and perhaps even isolation issues. Here is a easy to apply four-step management strategy that you can use when managing performance in a hybrid or remote environment.

The first one is revisit performance goals and objectives in a hybrid remote context. It’s very easy to transition from the physical to a remote environment, but not actually redefine what the expectations of KPIs and performance look like in a hybrid model. Some things might change, so help the team understand the expectations and give them practical ways to support this, help them to know what that looks like and what the expectation is for them and what their outputs are. We do know that within the remote and hybrid work model, obviously flexibility and adaptability is the key.

Secondly, create regular space for one-on-ones with individuals for open sharing and feedback. This is really critical with hybrid and remote models, providing safe spaces for the individuals on the team to continually give feedback and to be encouraged to share, and it can really help lift off a lot of their emotional burdens that they might be carrying or any other isolation or any other issues that might be sitting there underneath the surface that may not normally get addressed.

The next one would be use digital communication to increase touchpoints. This actually does take a little bit of strategy and a bit of intention. Create regular routines for how you maintain communication, using as many digital touchpoints as you can, as well as obviously things like using virtual teams and all those types of tools that we have to give the person more of a feeling of connection and relationship. It’s very important to think about how you can use those digital communication tools to increase the way that you’re connecting. The biggest part about remote and hybrid is the isolation or fragmentation from the rest of the team and from the usual interaction. So by increasing communication, even if it’s digital communication, it can be very helpful in just bridging some of those gaps.

The last thing is to identify any skill gaps and create support solutions. So you can use assessment methods or using some of the feedback mechanisms to identify what skill gaps might be. Definitely digital literacy is one of those skill gaps that the research tells us that can be lacking. Find ways that you can support and obviously help those individuals to take their skills to the next level, whether that be through on the job training or mentoring, coaching, or even using training programs could be a really good solution. Leading with consistency and reliability, and using multiple communication touchpoints, sends a strong message to the team of their value and importance as a member, which is really a powerful part of using this four-step management strategy.

I hope this was a really practical and useful strategy for you. Thanks for your time, and bye for now.