Does your team work remotely?

Discover How Effective Business Leaders Get Better Performance, Collaboration, And Retention From Their Remote Working Teams

This Video Report And Skills Strategy Pack
Shows You How To Successsfully Transition An In-House Team To A Remote (Or Hybrid-Remote) Working Environment

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The Problem: Remote Working Teams Fail To Meet KPIs Because They’re Forced To Adapt Outdated Skills

Traditional ‘in person’ collaboration skills do not automatically translate into a remote working model. Teams that work well together under one roof may struggle to be collaborative and productive via remote solutions like video conferences and project management software.

Failure to provide effective remote working skills often creates an unproductive (or toxic) work environment.

Which Of These Frustrations Are Reducing Your Team’s Remote Performance Prompting You To Look For Better Training Solutions?

Under the new ‘remote working’ paradigm, organisations are facing brand new challenges.
Have you been struggling with some or all of these remote skill issues?

  • Do poor virtual communication skills result in information gaps and ineffective collaboration?
  • Are productivity levels decreasing because of poor remote working habits?
  • Are your employees feeling disconnected and starting to withdraw?
  • Does it feel that your team doesn’t “connect” or “gel” like it used to?
  • Are resilience levels dropping and covid fatigue effecting your team’s performance?
  • Do team leaders struggle to maintain and manage performance remotely?
  • Do you experience difficulty getting remote workers up to speed with the digital literacy and the multi-skill sets now required to succeed as a ‘work from home’ employee?

Many business leaders have similar concerns. That’s why we’ve developed this free video report and skills strategy pack to help you develop and implement a solution for getting better performance from your remote team, so you meet and exceed your KPIs even during a time when your teams or organisation has never been so far apart.

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Inside This Video Report And Skills Strategy Pack You Will Access:

  1. The Remote Workplace Video Report

    “The 3 Critical Phases of the Hybrid Workforce Future & Why You Need to Get Ready Now.”

    A Remote and Hybrid Blueprint Presented by Corporate Educator and
    CCS Training Director David Patmore.

    Topics Covered:
    • Why Traditional Workforce Planning Will Just Not Work for Remote and Hybrid Models
    • The 3 Different Phases of Skill Transformation Needed for Remote Work Success.
    • The Importance of Identifying Skills Gaps at Organisational Scale.
    • How to Create a Successful Holistic Training Support Model.
    • Save Precious Time & Money Future Proofing Talent Recruitment.
    • The Top 7 Remote and Hybrid Skill Demands and How to Keep Your Team’s Performance Sharp.
    • How to Prepare and Plan for the Rapidly Changing Hybrid Workforce Future.
  2. Remote Skills 6-Step Strategy Pack

    “Discover the 6 Most Common Remote Skill Saboteurs and How You Can Avoid Them.”

    6 practical solution guides sent direct to your inbox to help repurpose your
    organisation and teams skills immediately.

    Strategies Include:
    • Implementing Effective Remote Communication Plans.
    • How to Manage Remote Performance Successfully.
    • Early Identification of Subtle Signs of Employee Distress.
    • How to Optimise the Top 7 Critical Skills for Remote Workers.
    • Understanding How to Apply the 10 Successful Traits of Remote Leadership.
    • Mapping Skill Gaps to Identify Successful Digital Literacy and Multi-Skill Set Strategies.
    • How to Empower Remote Workers to Create Productive Habits.

About Your Presenter And Skill Strategist, David Patmore

David Patmore is an accomplished educator, strategist, and thought leader with over 20+ years’ experience in corporate adult education.

David specialises in the creation and delivery of contemporary new skill strategies that help teams and organisations boost employee performance and happiness and overcome emerging management challenges.

Over the course of his career, David has worked across a spectrum of brands and organisations, including Telstra, Optus, Cognizant, Australia Post, City of Glen Eira, Vic Roads, GE, City of Casey, AON, ANZ, BUPA and more.

Being a critical member of the CAL Corporate Solutions team, David provides a unique blend of experience, knowledge and skills to create the very best learning solutions for the professional development market.

People Are Talking About CAL Corporate Solutions

Thanks for faciliating such an outstanding 2 days of high calibre sales training to the Team…

J. Grima Positive Training

A well presented program that was useful for future strategy building!

J. Knight City of Glen Eira

Extremely well prepared and extensive program that has given me the tools I need to start my career!

M. Syker Cognizant

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