FREE: Video Report & Skills Strategy Pack

The 3 Critical Phases of the

Hybrid Workforce Future

& why you need to Get Ready Now.

Bonus: Skills Strategy Pack

“Discover the 6 Most Common Remote Skill Saboteurs and How You Can Avoid Them.”

‘After the Biggest Working Upheaval in History, Employers Battle Vital Performance and Skill Gaps to Keep Up With the Hybrid Workforce Future.’

 David Patmore – Training Director at CAL Corporate Solutions.

A Corporate Educator for 22 Years, Now Guiding Organisations Through the COVID Corporate Landscape Delivers this Timely Blueprint for the Hybrid Future.

“Given the physical gaps and the psychological distance created by the pandemic, companies need new tools and approaches to engage & motivate employees.”

Mckinsey & Company

Global Consultancy Firm

Is Your Organisation Prepared for the Hybrid Workforce Future?






There is no doubt that the impact of the Global Pandemic to businesses has created a world where we live with high levels of uncertainty that affect planning, as well as the ability to manage employees closely and effectively. The fallout has impacted the way we work increasing commitment to Remote and Hybrid work models that are definitely here to stay.  As a result, organisations are now faced with new challenges in managing employee performance, engagement, maintaining consistent standards of best practice, team cohesion, as well as the demand for digital literacy and new types of multi-skill sets.

Have You Been Struggling With Any of the Following Remote Skill Issues?

Productivity Levels Decreasing with Poor Prioritisation and Remote Working Habits.

Employees Feeling Disconnected and Starting to Withdraw.

Fragmentation and Team Cohesion Issues.

Resilience Levels Dropping with COVID Fatigue Effecting Overall Performance.

Poor Communication Skills Resulting in Information Gaps and Effective Collaboration.

The Inability to Adapt Quickly and Productively to Different Working Environments.

Leaders Struggling to Maintain and Manage Performance Remotely.

Difficulty Getting Remote Workers Up to Speed with the Digital Literacy and the Multi-Skill Sets Now Required.

If So, Then this Video Report and Strategy Pack Will Help Get You Back on Track…

The Remote Workplace Video Report

“The 3 Critical Phases of the Hybrid Workforce Future & Why You Need to Get Ready Now.”

A Remote and Hybrid Blueprint Presented by Corporate Educator and CCS Training Director David Patmore.

Topics Covered:

Why Traditional Workforce Planning Will Just Not Work for Remote and Hybrid Models

The 3 Different Phases of Skill Transformation Needed for Remote Work Success.

The Importance of Identifying Skills Gaps at Organisational Scale.

How to Create a Successful Holistic Training Support Model.

Save Precious Time & Money Future Proofing Talent Recruitment.

The Top 7 Remote and Hybrid Skill Demands and How to Keep Your Team’s Performance Sharp.

How to Prepare and Plan for the Rapidly Changing Hybrid Workforce Future.


Remote Skills 6-Step Strategy Pack

“Discover the 6 Most Common Remote Skill Saboteurs and How You Can Avoid Them.”

6 practical solution guides sent direct to your inbox to help repurpose your organisation and teams skills immediately.

Strategies Include:

Implementing Effective Remote Communication Plans.

How to Manage Remote Performance Successfully.

Early Identification of Subtle Signs of Employee Distress.

How to Optimise the Top 7 Critical Skills for Remote Workers.

Understanding How to Apply the 5 Successful Traits of Remote Leadership.

Mapping Skill Gaps to Identify Successful Digital Literacy and Multi-Skill Set Strategies.

How to Empower Remote Workers to Create Productive Habits.