Today’s Leader – Core


Move from a Traditional Leader and Transform Yourself into Today’s Leader!

Leadership has changed, and the skills and traits that could be relied upon as sound leadership practice have rapidly evolved over the last 2-3 years. The capability profile for a modern leader has meant that some old-school methods and approaches just don’t cut it anymore in today’s highly pressured, more adaptable work environment.

  • Some of the challenges of the current workplace:
  • Forced change and uncertainty.
  • Hybrid teams and flexible schedules
  • Engagement and team cohesion issues
  • Diversity challenges, including skills and workflows.
  • Team resilience and motivation
  • Expertise-driven strategies and parallel leadership reporting mechanisms
  • Time and resource limitations

Just to name a few…

Today’s Leader-Core is a cutting-edge workshop designed to empower leaders with currency and competency to adopt the critical skills required for modern workplace challenges. The learning approach is based on a simple 3-step ADD methodology:

This enables leaders to develop customised and intelligent strategies to address their unique situations and develop solutions that get the desired results. Some of the leadership skills focused on in this session are adaptability, engagement, diverse teams management, empathic leadership, change management and building a positive psychology culture.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding the core traits and Skills of Today’s Leader
  • The keys to unlocking successful engagement strategies for diverse and/or hybrid teams.
  • Understanding how to use the ADD model to design your personal skill development matrix for you and your team.
  • Practical tools to help support and promote workplace change across the team.
  • Techniques to develop effective adaptability skills as a leader.
  • Advanced style communication techniques to analyse and read your team’s unique style and communicate persuasively.
  • How to use positive psychology to create a robust team mindset and culture.
  • Creating current and relevant people performance strategies
  • Nurture team talent and minimise retention risk.

Designed For

  • This workshop is designed for those looking to go to the next level in their leadership skills.
  • To equip leaders and managers looking for strategies relevant to many common modern workplace challenges.
  • Suitable for managers and leaders at all levels in organisations, even without prior leadership training experience.
  • It is equally as relevant for those who are still finding their leadership feet and seasoned managers.
  • Ideal Size: 6-15 participants.

Course Inclusions…

In-Depth TNA

Our consultants can provide a thorough Training Needs Analysis of your skill needs and learning objectives. We will ensure that we develop the best solution to upskill your team guaranteed.

Program Reports

We provide a range of evaluation methods and options to help you gain the right information and feedback to understand the return of training investment to your team and organisation.


All programs can be customised to your desired learning and skill needs. This includes activities and exercises that reflect your daily work practices, tailored content and real world scenarios.

Industry Facilitators

All our Facilitators bring real world experience and come highly recommended in their fields of expertise. We guarantee the right match for your organisation.


As a highly respected Australian education brand the CAL Group offers a Certificate of Achievement to acknowledge your professional development journey.

Our Learning Solutions…

Remote Ready

All our programs have remote workplace delivery methods to cater for your specific organisational needs. Our facilitators are highly experienced in Live, Hybrid and Virtual formats.

Adaptable Delivery

Each program can be conducted in a variety of time and delivery formats to suit your staffing needs. Talk to us about how we can best adapt to your training requirements.

Fully Customisable

All training content is tailored to your specific training needs and objectives. This includes using real workplace scenarios for activities and exercises.

Social Learning Integration

With increased remote workplace challenges our workshops inetgrate social learning techniques to develop your team through connecting with each other.